what happens to coffee when it sits too long

These Are the 23 Very Scary Effects of Sitting Too Much

These Are the 23 Very Scary Effects of Sitting Too Much

These Are the 23 Very Scary Effects of Sitting Too Much


The price of leading an inactive lifestyle is loftier. Information technology sounds like a paradox— something people love to do to feel better ends up, in the long run, making them feel a lot worse. Well-nigh people spend well-nigh half the day sitting. The body is not primed to exist in one position for besides long.




A study has found that sitting for besides long may also harm people's mental wellness. Researchers nerveless data from three,367 government employees. They each filled out a psychological assessment for four weeks. There was a meaning relationship between mental health and sitting. Those who reported sitting for more than than six hours a solar day were establish to have more than symptoms of anxiety than those who sat for less than iii hours a day. Here is how running can assistance with anxiety.




Since sitting reduces apportionment it'southward harder for "experience-good hormones" to make their style to receptors. A study followed 9,000 middle-anile women and determined that those who sat longer and did not run across minimum practise requirements suffered from low at much higher rates compared with the women who sat less and exercised more. When it came to sitting, those who sat for more than 7 hours a day were 47 percentage more probable to suffer from depression than those who sat four hours or fewer.

Weak muscles

Weak muscles


Muscles are healthiest when they are beingness used and challenged on a regular basis. Keep them engaged. Muscles are pliable but when locked in sitting position for the majority of the twenty-four hours, every day, they do get stiff. After years of constantly sitting, the torso is used to sitting and not as expert at running, jumping or even standing.

Strained nerves

Strained nerves


Being in a sitting position for likewise long causes your muscles to pull the nerves around them, which can cause pain. The nerves are pinched and you experience pain in your shoulders and lower back. Do you now sympathize why people who work desk-bound jobs mutter of back hurting more often?




An increase of 22 percent – this huge numerical link betwixt every actress sixty minutes people spend sitting and diabetes may come every bit a stupor. A Dutch written report indicates that people with type 2 diabetes spent close to half an hour more than of their day on a couch or sitting at a computer than those without the disease. After the math was done, information technology turned out that just an actress hr is plenty to increase your take chances of developing the status by 22 pct. Separate studies advise that existence inactive for more than than 3 hours a day decreases people's life expectancy by two years.

Hip issues

Hip problems


Weakened muscles combined with poor circulation from keeping your legs still for a prolonged period of time lead to a number of leg and hip problems. Your gluteus muscles are some of the most important muscles in your legs. They are responsible for helping you proceed balance. When yous sit for a longtime, your glutes are at rest and doing aught merely cushioning you. As these muscles lose their tone, you may experience trouble maintaining good residual.




This affects mostly older people. Concrete activity as a way to prevent osteoporosis is based on testify that information technology can regulate bone maintenance and stimulate bone germination including the accumulation of mineral, in addition to strengthening muscles, improving rest, and thus reducing the overall hazard of falls and fractures.

Increased risk of cancers

Increased risk of cancers


Sitting for long periods of time increases your risk for colon, endometrial and, perhaps, lung cancer by 66 percent, co-ordinate to a study, which looked at more than 4 million individuals and 68,936 cancer cases. The enquiry found that even in physically active individuals, sitting increased the risk, and the risk worsened with each two hour increase in sitting time.

Bad posture

Bad posture


When y'all sit for too long, it becomes difficult to maintain expert posture. Y'all will naturally brainstorm to slouch and slump equally yous reposition yourself to proceed comfortable. Before too long, this slouching at the desk-bound will begin to affect your posture when you stand and walk. Poor posture doesn't but await unattractive, but it'south painful and messes up the spine.

Heart affliction

Heart disease


Excessive sitting has been linked to increased take a chance of center disease. From driving in your car to sitting in your part chair and watching television on the couch, people sit more than they may realize. According to Harvard Health Publications, "some research suggests that it has harmful effects on saccharide and fat metabolism, both of which impact a person's risk of diabetes and centre disease, says Dr. I-Min Lee, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School."

Fat is stored

Fat is stored


LPL, or lipoprotein lipase, is an enzyme that breaks downwards fatty and uses it as energy. When the enzyme isn't working equally it should, that fat is stored. In a report, mice were tested for LPL levels in iii states—laying down for near of the twenty-four hour period, standing for most of the 24-hour interval and exercising. LDL action in the laying mice was very depression, levels rose more than 10 times when the mice simply stood. The larger point is that people tin can't combat the effects of sitting with a half hour or hour of exercise lone—standing throughout the day is the reply.




In a study on weight gain and loss, where every aspect of diet and do was controlled in a lab, researchers added 1,000 calories to all of the subjects daily diets. None of the people were permitted to practice, merely some people in the written report were able to maintain their weight, while others gained weight. The researchers couldn't understand why some were able to avert gaining weight without exercise. Those who maintained their weight did and then by unintentionally moving more throughout the day.

Premature aging

Premature aging


Sitting too much has been linked to various health concerns, some of which include metabolic syndrome and loftier claret pressure level. Co-ordinate to Dr. Mercola, "the more hours you spend sitting in a day, the shorter your lifespan may be. Ane study institute, for instance, that reducing the boilerplate time y'all spend sitting down to less than iii hours a day could increase your life expectancy by two years."

Premature death

Premature death


People who watched an average half dozen hours of TV a day lived an boilerplate 4.8 years fewer than those who didn't watch whatsoever television, an Australian study found. Every hour of Idiot box that participants watched after historic period 25 was associated with a 22-infinitesimal reduction in their life expectancy.

Overproductive pancreas

Overproductive pancreas


Cells in muscles that take not been moving don't answer well to insulin, according to a report. The result is the pancreas making more and more, which can pb to diabetes. Interrupting sitting time with short bouts of light- or moderate-intensity walking lowers glucose and insulin levels in overweight and obese adults.

Chronic fatigue

Chronic fatigue


Information technology is mutual noesis that people who work out on a regular footing have more free energy. In fact, cancer patients' symptoms improved when they began exercising more, a study shows. Other research suggests that light exercise reduced feelings of fatigue by as much as 65 percent and additional energy levels by 20 pct.

Chronic pain

Chronic pain


Weight gain combined with poor posture inevitably leads to issues with chronic hurting. When you sit down for likewise long, the muscles in your back and neck tense up and before y'all know it, you'll be suffering from serious aches and pains throughout your shoulders, neck and back.

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)


Deep vein thrombosis is a wellness complication in which dangerous claret clots course in the large veins of your legs. Sometimes, pieces of these clots can break away from the clot itself and exist pumped into the narrow blood vessels of the lungs. The risk of complications caused by deep vein thrombosis is highest in people who fly often, sit for prolonged periods of time, fume and are significant.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins


Sitting or standing for long periods of time can cause blood to pool in the leg veins, increasing the force per unit area within the veins, co-ordinate to Johns Hopkins Medicine. As a result, the veins can stretch, which may weaken the walls of the veins and damage the valves. Symptoms of varicose veins include skin color changes, sores, a rash, and/or a burning sensation in the legs.

Progress from exercising gone

Progress from exercising gone


A few weeks of inactivity can toll yous all the progress you've made. The more often you take breaks of inactivity, the faster you regress with each one. Your endurance level and cardio health are the first victims. They showtime to go out the window in no more than than ii weeks. So you lot're back to your inactivity levels in no time. According to studies that corporeality of oxygen people can uptake and use dives within a month of not training.

Weight proceeds

Weight gain


One of the more obvious and faster striking consequences of sitting besides much is that it'due south really easy to gain weight. This doesn't only impact the way you look and experience, but if y'all gain enough weight to exist classified as obese, you're putting yourself at take chances for a number of serious health complications.




Research has linked more sitting and less activity with an increased take chances of developing dementia, according to Harvard Medical School.

Slower encephalon role

Slower brain function


Studies have found that interrupting prolonged sitting with lite-intensity walking breaks may be an constructive fatigue countermeasure acutely. The brain is technically a muscle and needs to be exercised. Good blood flow to muscles, including the brain, makes the body and heed work amend.


Source: https://www.theactivetimes.com/healthy-living/these-are-23-very-scary-effects-sitting-too-much

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